Politics from North of the 49th Parallel
Published on April 7, 2004 By IanGillespie In Politics

Via Atrios, we've learned of a stunningly ill conceived compassion photo gallery featured on President Bush's election website.

Go take a look. No really, look -- I'll wait.

What do all but one of these pictures have in common?

Minorities. Bush and minorities. This is just creepy.

Pictures of candidate X with the Benetton kids are fine, but -- I mean -- this isn't even supposed to be the 'Bush with minorities' gallery. It's supposed to be the 'compassion' gallery, but it's all Bush with minorities.

The message isn't simply that helping minorities is ipso facto an act of compassion; it's that compassion is just about helping po' black people. That's a little sick.

This isn't Bush's fault, of course, but someone really should call his webmaster.

on Apr 08, 2004
To be fair to Bush, he does have Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice in his Cabinet. Powell of the 'my lai' cover-up in Vietnam, and Rice, of Chevron's, Brd of Dir's. Political campaign help tends to 'stage' their Candidate without his/her even knowing how it appears most of the time.

I used to go to county political dinners; the 'all-Italian' Republicans of the County used to put a Afro-American man at the front table in front of the podium so he'd show up in all photos. They actually paid him and gave him free steak dinners to attend, it was pathetic. He knew it and didn't care either, as he made out on it and thought it silly to think a minority would support a Party of their reputation on social issues. EVERY office holder of the County was a Democrat, the Republicans never having even nominated a minority.

on Apr 08, 2004
Bush only has Powell and Rice to get some minority voters. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves.
on Apr 08, 2004
Everything is a photo op isn't it and the worse part is they all (politicians) are cut from the same mold... tsk tsk
on Apr 09, 2004
"Bush only has Powell and Rice to get some minority voters. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves."

It isn't even to attract minorities, it's to attract middle class white voters who won't support an overtly racist party. I suspect this is also behind the decision to plant African Americans at county level Republican events.
on Apr 21, 2004
He has more minority inclusion in his cabinet then Clinton did, if that matters to you, that is, if you look for race issues wherever you can find them, for whatever point you're tring to make. The democrats never saw minorities as people - they always look at them as a voter block to exploit by pandering to notions of victimhood.

A real racist would say that there is something lesser about someone's chances in life becasue of their appearance. And that is exactly what the left does daily. If life improved for people, they couldn't keep popinting to the social wounds that they're trying to keep open.
on Apr 21, 2004
You have a point, Joe, I don't think that Bush is a racist. As long as you have money, Bush is your man. I think that Democrats do exploit minorities, because once they are in office they do nothing about issues pertinent to minorities. That being said, if you are poor or need help for whatever reason, you are better off with a democrat in office. Clinton was very conservative but when UPS went on strike, he supported the strike.