Politics from North of the 49th Parallel
Via Warren Kinsella
Published on April 28, 2004 By IanGillespie In Politics

Kinsella sends you here:

"[Layton] wants a capitalism that creates sustainable growth, that protects the environment, that doesn't genuflect to corporate or global military power, that does its best to make sure that our poorest citizens aren't treated like trash. Standing next to Paul Martin and Stephen Harper, what Jack Layton looks like is not a sellout, but a real, electable alternative. And for the chance to actually implement his ideas, he's willing to work towards socialism piece by manageable piece."

on Apr 28, 2004
from the article you linked to:
"But hold on. Now's about the time -- when any regular political party would be preparing to fight an election -- that the NDP's self-destructive impulse kicks in. Anyone who's flirted with supporting the NDP will be familiar with the bizarre determination among supporters to make it unpopular. Like geeky music snobs sneering as their favourite indie band climbs the charts, they view success as a sign of impurity, popularity as poison."

I am a bad softball player. So when my NDP apparchick friend asked me to play for their softball team a few years ago, I was flattered to be considered a "ringer", which, by NDP standards, I was. Let's be honest; it's not a jock party. Anyhoo, I hit a homerun once. One of my comrade/teammates started mocking me when I returned to the bench: "Ooooohhhhh you're suuuuuuch a staaaaaaaaaaarrrr". I guess it wasn't very egalitarian of me. The team was run in typical bolshevik fashion, worst player as shortstop, etc. Victory is to the NDP as kryptonite is to Superman.

In my lifetime I've voted Tory, Liberal, Green, Independent, Marijuana Party (which outpolled the NDP in Quebec last time around), everything but NDP. And I consider myself dead center. Not centre, center. I want to see someone go after the banks this election. I believe that the current lack of consumer protection in the financial services sector is incongruent with economic growth and a just society. Canadians hate the banks and there is a lot of data to back that up. Layton could pick up a hell of a lot of support by going after them. Even I could hit that cheese out of the park.
on Apr 28, 2004
Well, have I've got the webpage for you! The NDP plans to make it's "pocket protector" consumer protection plan a substantial plank in it's election platform -- including local citizen watchdog boards to oversee phone utilities, electrical utilities and... BANKS! (The plan also includes protection from credit card gouging and cheque-cashing/insta-loan companies.)
