Politics from North of the 49th Parallel

Two weeks ago, Canadians learned that Paul Martin frequents a Montreal based private healthcare provider.

It appears, however, that Medisys -- Martin's clinic -- not only provides private medical services, but may be exploiting a Medicare loophole allowing it to practice outright two-tier healthcare.

Martin claims that his own treatments at Medisys are all covered under Medicare; however, many patients may not be so lucky. Here's how it works.

Medisys offers expensive executive healthcare plans covering wellness, prevention and diagnostics -- services not considered "essential" in some provinces.

As we've learned from the Prime Minister's case, Medisys also provides services that are covered under Medicare. Medisys even bills itself as a "one-stop location for all [your] medical needs".

Presumably, regular people can't just walk into Medisys with their health card expecting to get a family doctor. However, wealthy people, who can afford expensive private health plans, are apparently getting access to Medisys' lavish facilities for their essential, Medicare services -- services that are supposed to be delivered universally.

If Medisys does indeed offer the "one-stop" services it's webpage claims, it would constitute a two-tier healthcare provider, closed to those who can't afford it -- unless, of course, they're the Prime Minister.

Let's call it 'up front' user fees.

Medisys did not reply to email seeking clarification of their service structure.

on May 18, 2004
According to their website, "Medisys believes that the corporate vision it has implemented will help it maintain its leadership role in the health care industry for years to come." Health care "industry" is scary enough; but when the PM's doctor figures a "corporate vision" is the way to go on health, I get nervous. I start to think things better left unthought. What if Mr. Martin went in for some minor surgery--say, to get a mole removed--and while befuddled under the influence of some anaesthetic, PM PM let his plans for the future of health care slip... ?
on May 18, 2004
Yeah, it's not like he's tellin' the rest of us!
on May 19, 2004
Of course we need two tier health care.I would hate to see our unelected rich guy get sick and not be able to erode our health care in the name of fiscal restraint.