Jack Layton:
"I believe that when Paul cancelled affordable housing across this country it produced a dramatic rise in homelessness and death due to homelessness. I've always said I hold him responsible for that."
As journalists furiously typed, Jack Layton's passionate criticism of Paul Martin's neglect of homelessness was distorted beyond recognition in a matter of hours.
Layton's comments are clearly an attack on policy: Martin's choice to cancel federal funding for affordable housing. The consequences, according to Layton, we're a dramatic rise in homelessness and ensuing death do to homelessness.
Despite Layton's insistence that his comments were not a personal attack -- and the fact that he spelled out exactly how Martin's policy was at fault -- journalists have inaccurately accused him of declaring Martin "personally responsible" for the deaths of homeless people. Layton was clearly holding Martin responsible for the policies that lead to those deaths.
Virtually no journalists have actually addressed the factual accuracy of Layton's statements.
Liberals have claimed that Layton's criticism "cheapens" the debate on homelessness.
What debate?
Well, I guess we've got a debate now. Let's have at it.