A truly phenomenal political commercial, courtesy of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Sweet Jesus, is this ad terrifying!
Do not misunderstand. It's a sleek, professional spot. It has every component of a crushing body blow. It's delivery is high art.
But this thirty second montage of reeling, staccato visuals leaves the viewer thinking that whoever conceived it must be as evil as the monster it describes:
Fade in, bleery sunlight.
VOICE: Stephen Harper would have sent our troops to Iraq...
-- an amour strewn battlefield --
VOICE: billions on tanks...
-- a thundering main canon --
VOICE: and aircraft carriers...
-- a barreling, nuclear powered warship --
VOICE: weaken our gun laws...
-- barrel of a semi-automatic --
VOICE: sacrifice Canadian-style healthcare...
-- the viewer is surrounded by peering doctors; an anesthesia mask is lowered on to the 'patient' --
Flash -- cut to scrambling medical staff.
The Liberal coup de gras, however, is their attack on abortion:
Interior, medical clinic. Sterile, wide angle shot of two university age young women.
The first is seated on the floor -- rocking anxiously while grasping her legs tight to her chest.
The second is curled up in her chair. Worried, she shifts, her gaze cast downward at the clinic floor.
VOICE: He won't protect a woman's right to choose.
He won't protect a woman's right to choose.
Amazingly, this ad debuts as SES Research reports floundering Liberal poll numbers, driven by a growing gender gap. Men are throwing in with Stephen Harper's Conservatives, women are increasingly undecided or NDP.
Elements of this commercial are clearly targeted at scaring female voters -- those considering any party other than Paul Martin's.
This ad will not only leave women scared, it will leave them horrified -- but horrified at whom?