The Green Party is awful. I mean like Ann Coulter, reptilian kitten-eater awful.
I can already hear the voices, swooning from the peanut gallery: 'The Green Party? But they're so wonderfully environmental!'.
True, the Greens would keep mankind from raping Mother Earth -- but they'd pillage the rest of us to get the job done.
This isn't about tired, conservative scare tactics. I'm not talking 'bout how 'dem tree huggers is gonna wreck the economy, and such.
No, this is about the Greens' own brand of right-wing mendacity.
Simply put: the Green Party favours what would be perhaps the most dramatic transfer of wealth in our country's history -- from working people to wealthy people.
But the Greens know their electoral fortunes lie with progressives. So, at least for the short term, they've focused on issues, not policies. They've convinced Canadians that they're, well, green -- but what truly sets the Green Party apart is its radical economic plan.
How radical is it?
Well, the Ontario Green Party has talked about the flat tax. That's the too-conservative-for-George-W.-Bush flat tax.
Even The Globe and Mail, hardly a bastion of socialist sentiment, has responded warily to their ideas.
And, of course, Green Party leader, Jim Harris, is a former Tory.
But the federal Green Party's own economic platform lays out their agenda most clearly:
"Lower taxes on income, profit and investment..."
"Raise taxes on harmful activities such as pollution, waste and inefficiency..."
"Shift taxes onto land values and away from building values"
This is a recipe for shifting taxes from income to raw materials, from luxury goods to staples, from the suburbs to the inner city, and from rich people to everybody else.
Aside from the tremendous cost to most Canadians, this still remains an abhorrent environmental policy.
Are we to have a regulatory body that runs around slapping ad hoc taxes on resources? A Stalinist bureau of environmental impact assessment and taxation?
Grow up.
There are serious people, with serious concern about our environment. The Green Party is decidedly not the place to find them.