Politics from North of the 49th Parallel
Sierra Club Board Member Ben Zuckerman
Published on January 28, 2004 By IanGillespie In Politics

Capital "W", Wacko:

"[It's] the endless population growth [from immigration] in our own country that is ravishing our lands. Because of our high levels of consumption, such growth is plundering environments elsewhere on Earth as well."

The basic argument being made here by Ben Zuckerman of the Sierra Club is that immigration creates population growth, population growth damages the environment and, therefore, immigration must be damaging the environment.

At the risking of pointing out the bloody obivous, if immigrants didn't immigrate they'd still be living, they just wouldn't be living here. Immigration doesn't increase population, it just moves people around. If you want to solve the population growth problem, how about we start by trying to stop the actual population growth? Like in the third world, maybe?

But, of course, I suspect Mr. Zuckerman already knows this. He probably also knows that immigrants to developed nations have much lower birth rates than their counter parts in the developing world -- so, immigration actually slows population growth.

What Mr. Zuckerman is really getting at is revealed by his menition of our "high levels of consumption". Immigration creates richer people, richer people consume more, more consumption damages the environment... you get the point.

So, keep poor people poor, it's good for mother Earth.

That may not be racist, but sure sounds insane.

on Jan 28, 2004
There are humvees and Escorts--which is more threatening to the environment? Zuckerman, I suspect, is subliminally suggesting planned parenthood, and, yes, particularly among the poor because there are so many of them and simply cannot afford their children a good life. If that's racism, I guess I'm a racist.
on Jan 29, 2004
No, I'm suggesting Planned Parenthood. Zuckerman's proposing that ending immigration will solve the problem. It won't.

The challenge is to reduce population growth, not simply keep the growing population elsewhere.
on Feb 24, 2004
zuckerman has other associations with white supremacists, he and his followers are attempting a hostile takeover of the sierra club
on Feb 24, 2004
Immigration might not increase the population of the world, but it will increase the population of California, which will have its effect on the Californian land.