Perhaps the greatest political picture I have ever seen:
What was she thinking? Maybe she just didn't have the heart to tell some old guy to go stand in the back of the room. But she's certainly surrounded by enough political hacks. What were they thinking? Maybe they like this kind of publicity, but could they really be that stupid?
Moving closer to substance, the underlying article has at least one interesting quote:
"[Tony] Clement dismissed suggestions that he will be unable to compete with Ms. Stronach's vast wealth and telegenic persona."
Where, prĂȘt ell, is this "telegenic persona"? Maybe Don Newman scared it off, like...uhm, right?
Come on! She's hot, yes, but not "telegenic". Please, let's have just a little honesty in reporting. Stronach may be the big story right now, but let's get the story right, shall we?