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An ingenius commentary on the Timberlake/Jackson affair:
"FCC chairman Michael Powell nailed the nature of the protests when he said that the family viewing hour was "sacred," which may be the only time the word has been used to describe a football game punctuated by ads showing Jessica Simpson coming on to Kermit the Frog. And a letter writer to the Op-Ed pages of today's New York Times says, "As a country we are criticized by Muslim moderates and physically attacked by Islamic purists. They say our culture is morally corrupting. Did this show give them further confirmation?" To which the only honest answer is yes. Thank God..."
"But when a government official starts claiming that the sight of a female breast is a violation of the "sacred," that seems to me a much more serious offense to American principles. The tat is a bigger deal here than the tit. The uproar of Miss Jackson's breast is very vocal now. But it has already been dwarfed by a louder sound: the national IQ going Timber!"