Business leadership can certainly be one qualification for political leadership. Taking on positions of great responsibility -- to rise or fall based on the harsh realities of success and failure -- can test one's mettle. No argument there. But yet, it isn't Belinda Stronach's lack of political experience that bother's me, it's the quality of her business experience. Stronach didn't rise to power based on business realities, harsh or otherwise. She became CEO of a major corporation, ...
Can't buy me love : "In a clear demonstration that money in politics can speak louder than words, Belinda Stronach — who showed last week that she is virtually helpless in French — is poised to carry Quebec in the campaign for the leadership of the new federal Conservative party."
From uber-Liberal Warren Kinsella : "When we need more women in public life - when the NDP presents a clear and present danger to Liberal electoral fortunes - why are a group of wannabe tough guys, flush with testosterone, being permitted to wipe out the party's small-l liberal wing? It's shameful.”
Hey folks. I wanted to experiment with posting pictures to the blog. I thought this would be a nice start.
I started this blog because I feel I have a lot to say. You'll understand my embarrassment, then, when I tell you that I'm not really sure what to write. Of course no one knows that this blog exists yet, so that shouldn't be a problem. Reading this blog you'll soon find out that I am dedicated New Democrat and a terrible speller. Those two things aren't related (at least I don't think they are), they just both occured to me as I was trying to figure out if there are two "r"s in "embarrassm...