This is fun : "Insisting that she wouldn't be muzzled by a 'code of silence,' she has called for a party investigation and a new vote."
Sheila Copps asks the RCMP to investigate the Hamilton East-Stoney Creek nomination meeting: "A defiant Sheila Copps vows to appeal her defeat in a Liberal nomination vote and has called on the Mounties to investigate what she describes as a "massive" fraud by party brass to oust her from Parliament."
After 400 of her supporters were left off Liberal membership roles -- in a nomination fight decided by 311 votes -- Sheila Copps now has three days to appeal the results: "A lot of these people are really hurting and I owe it to them to explore whatever options are available, and if there are no options, well, that's an option, too." Even more important than possible voting irregularities is how the Copps ouster has become symbolic of Liberal infighting. Today, it's...
Kinsella has interesting coverage on the Copps debacle, including this : "Honest to God: I'm feeling like I don't really have a political home, anymore. I'm going to think about this one for a while, and I'll get back to you."
She's out : "Mr. Valeri reaffirmed Prime Minister Paul Martin's right-of-centre grip on the party, besting Ms. Copps in the showdown on her steeltown home turf." When newpapers are reporting -- as objective fact -- that Paul Martin is right-of-centre, it's really time for left-leaning Liberals to wise up.
Well, my first day volunteering for the illustrious Ed Broadbent -- and not a bad start. HQ's bumping, propaganda literature looks good and the signs have already started moving out the door. Broadbent's drawing in great people, but more than that he's drawing in a lot of people. People on the street are asking where they can sign up. A couple of Saturdays ago, there were 130 people out canvassing. Today there were a dozen volunteers gearing up at the campaign office, while Mahoney's o...
Will Warren prove his corporate friends/enemies right and vote "commie"? "The possibility that he (Warren, not Jean [Chrétien]) will vote Liberal in the next federal election shrinks with each passing day. In this, he is decidedly not alone.'"
Did The United States " abduct " Jean-Bertrand Aristide? "Aristide told CNN Monday he was forced to leave Haiti in a 'coup d'etat' by the United States. 'I was told that to avoid bloodshed I'd better leave.'"
Atrios has this idea : "Don't Switch Horsemen Mid-Apocalypse".
Warren doesn't think there'll be an early election call : "That's because 'the majority of caucus' isn't on drugs ". --empathise in original
A big thanks to Don at Revolutionary Moderation and the BlogsCanada: E-Group Blog for being the first big Canadian political blogger to link to yours truly.
If even a little of this is true, it's simply amazing: "[F]or example, the wife of a senior politician goes shopping in downtown Montreal, buying very expensive clothes, and a person from the ad agency goes along with a visa card and goes 'click' 'click' and it gets charged back to the advertising agency and gets charged back to the Government of Canada..." "[F]or example, if a senior official, very close to the top of the previous administration, wanted to have a condo in Mon...
Some brief excerpts. Read it all here : "The president launched a war today against the civil rights of gay citizens and their families." "I think that gays are some of the most intolerant people when it comes to politics, but Bush has just today made this intolerance something that is clearly justified." "Seriously, when they have to hit you with the speech equivalent of a two by four to get your attention as to how they feel about you, you might want ...
It just keeps getting better: "Federal Environment Minister David Anderson denies his constituency office told a federal Liberal Party member in B.C. that he could access money from a secret slush fund..." "But [Jamie] Kelley, who now lives in Vancouver, remembers things differently." "He says he spoke with Anderson directly about the issue. And he says Anderson's aides told him he wouldn't need to fill out application forms for the money because he was a friend of the part...
On the sponsorship scandal : "But now testimony has surfaced that raises new questions as to how far below the surface the worm could have been. It confirms that there was senior political involvement in the day-to-day handling of the sponsorship program. Cabinet ministers as well as top executives of crown corporations had a direct say in its implementation."