Crossposted at The BlogsCanada E-Group : Why are they doing this? What are they so afraid of? As many readers will already know, guests at quasi-public Bush-Cheney campaign appearances are now being asked to sign Castro-like loyalty oaths before being granted entrance to rallies. This isn’t just weird, it’s scary. But most importantly, it’s really weird . Which brings us to our first question: Why are they doing this? Such rallies couldn’t be aimed at persuad...
Crossposted at The BlogsCanada E-Group: For too long the Democratic Party was utterly inept in responding to this weary Republican onslaught. They bought the American media's favourite script: Democrats who speak out are never strong, always shrill; those who dissent cannot be motivated by patriotism, only by hatred. Thank God John Kerry didn't fall for that . During the last two weeks, the Bush-Cheney political apparatus has demonstrated that -- like a wounded animal -- it wil...
Does the Bloc really hold Québec's interests above it's own? Is the Conservative Party serious about ending western alienation? Will either party keep their promise to keep their promises ? If the Bloquistes and the Tories have any intention of doing so, they can make it clear by supporting a single issue: proportional representation. More precisely, proportional representation by province . As far as keeping their promises goes, I think this issue is pretty simple:...
Party Vote Seats Liberal 33.0% 109 Conservative 31.0% 113 NDP 20.0% 30 Bloc 12.0% 55 Green 2.5% 0 Other 1.5% 1 The Liberals win more votes, but fewer seats, than the Conservatives. The NDP wins almost twice as many v...
Canada British Columbia Two identical ads, brought to you by the Liberal Party of Canada, except the Canada wide version omits any mention of Kyoto. Is someone scared about losing Oshawa ?
We know all about the NDP's 'tax heavy platform'. We know all about their 'unpopular schemes'. We'll all pay a lot less taxes under a Conservative government, right? After all, The Globe and Mail's told us so, hasn't it? Well, guess what? The sanctimonious corporate shills got it wrong. They got it wrong again , and again , and again . Yesterday the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives -- having bothered to, you know, read -- published a study comparing ...
Easily my favourite ad of the campaign.
Tuesday, June 15th, Leaders' Debate: Jack Layton: "I've got to take issue with a claim you're making, that there's only two parties in this country that are going to have the possibility of governing. What kind of arrogance gives you that kind of proposition?..." Paul Martin: "Well, I think I'll accept that criticism, Mr. Layton." Tuesda, June 22nd, British Columbia: Paul Martin: "There are two parties that could form the next government. If you are thinking of v...
The Green Party is awful . I mean like Ann Coulter, reptilian kitten-eater awful . I can already hear the voices, swooning from the peanut gallery: 'The Green Party? But they're so wonderfully environmental!'. True, the Greens would keep mankind from raping Mother Earth -- but they'd pillage the rest of us to get the job done. This isn't about tired, conservative scare tactics. I'm not talking 'bout how 'dem tree huggers is gonna wreck the economy, and such. No, this is a...
I've refrained from comment on the death of Dr. T. Douglas Kinsella, father of fellow blogger Warren Kinsella. Given that I know Kinsella only by writing and reputation, I suppose I just didn't have much to add to his own words. I feel compelled, however, to make note of those words , and let them speak for themselves.
Jim Elve at BlogsCanada has invited me to join the BlogsCanada eGroup , immediately following the election.(Apparently, Jim wants to keep the group rather stable until after the 29th.) On pace for over 50,000 hits during the election campaign, the BlogsCanada eGroup has become one of the best known blogs in Canadian politics. Post writ it will take on a broader mandate including international affairs. I thought, then, that this might be a good time to ask my readers to nominate C...
Stephen Harper's claim that his party could now win a majority government is not just lousy politics, but falt wrong. The Conservatives and Liberals remain deadlocked at 32% in polls . When the Liberals fell below 40% it was called 'minority territory', but now -- while still eight percent lower -- we're to believe that the Conservatives are on the cusp of majority? Look closer: There are 75 seats in Québec -- and no indication that any of them will go Conservative. Seat pro...
The further we get from last night's performance the more difficult it becomes to digest. The lasting impact of our national debates hasn't been made in the moment, but in the foundations laid for the coming days. What are politicians selling, what are voters buying -- and what is this god forsaken election really all about? Measuring the leaders' debate by that standard reveals a microcosm of the election at large. Our national discourse is bereft of policy, as the leaders jockey...
CTV talkers are already discussing a Conservative/Liberal alliance, to maintain Parliament while the Grits regroup. The NDP will inherit Pearson-Trudeau legacy -- abandoned by Paul Martin.
Wow. The most interesting election in twenty years? As far as I can tell. CTV has already called the moment of night -- Jack Layton's denunciation of Paul Martin for refusing to bring equal marriage to a vote in Parliament. Stephen Harper was clearly the coolest of the bunch, but seemed to simply fall below the radar for extended periods of time. That, though, may hurt Paul Martin most; he needed Harper's agenda front and centre. Duceppe played his welcome role as an instigat...